Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 13

Sorry i haven't been postin' ya stuff! I have been super busy with SIBLINGS!!!!!!

TWBTBD tomorow will be the best day!

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Today I am going to tell you some spells!

Levitation to objects spell:
Wingardian Leviosa

Door unlocking spell:
Alo Amora

Cleansing glasses spell:
Octavia Octolus

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Cast

 Samantha (Julia)
 Jonathan as himself
 Jacob (Jonathan)
Spark (Jonathan)
Angel the Cat/Witch (Kat)
 Luke (Jonathan)
 John (Elliott)
Samantha Bombaroosa, Jonathan, Jacob Califree, Spark Gozilas, Luke Deranger, Angel the Cat, and John Bombaroosa.


Hi! I'm Samantha Bombaroosa. If you can tell the word "bomb" is in my last name. That's because i can shoot bombs out of my hands. And if you can tell... I'm a witch. Yes you heard it! Except I'm not ugly and stuff like you'd probably think. I'm a human-looking witch. And I have all kinds of witch-related friends like as in the book of Witchology, there are not just witches from the land that I come from there are Witches, Wizards and Warlocks; and a very big amount of odd-looking creatures as well! If you didn't know I'm a character on a "show" well our show is not on television. Me and my friends are saving up money to do that.

P.S. if you want to visit the other Truman Show blog click on this The Truman Show